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Έτσι θέλει να μας καταντήσει ο προδότης-Εβραιομασόνος σατανιστής Τζέφρι ΓΑΠ!

Δευτέρα 7 Ιουνίου 2010
Napoleon Sarko spoke by telephone on Sunday to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, urging him to accept a credible and impartial inquiry into last week's deadly raid on a Turcoterrorist ship that left nine Gray Wolves dead. Sarko called on Netanyahu to follow the requests of the United Nations Security Council. Sarko also said France was willing to participate in the inquiry.

Napoleon Sarko is neurotic, bipolar, Oedipal, and psychopathic. Sarko seeks the love of the public, because his father abandoned him as a child. The swift replacement of Cecilia by Carla is a symptom of self-indulgence and insecurity. Sarko's narcissism, aggression, and childish behaviour stem from insecurity. Sarko's problem is his inability to distinguish his ego from his soul. Acute sarkozis means being obsessed by the phenomenon of Napoleon Sarko, le personnage mythologique, rather than Sarko's soul, that France does not know Sarko as well as it thinks.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also spoke with Netanyahu to propose setting up a multinational commission to investigate what went wrong. Basil Venitis points out the United Nations(UN), aka Universal Nudnik, is a very corrupt organization, headed by the Secretary General, aka Civil Pope. At an Independent Inquiry into the Universal Nudnik Oil-for-Food Program, 3,000 companies from 70 countries paid bribes totalling about two billion dollars in exchange for contracts for delivery of goods to meet humanitarian needs. There were another 150 companies from 40 countries that reportedly paid illicit surcharges on oil purchases from Iraq. Civil Pope Kofi Anan himself got kickbacks!

Venitis notes that Ban Ki-moon, the former South Korean foreign minister, has been a weak Universal Nudnik Civil Pope. At Turtle Bay and elsewhere, the Civil Pope is seen as a disappointment and as the wrong man to assume a prominent role and lead the global community at a time when the world's political axis is shifting from America to Europe. Ban is more secretary than general. Many global organizations suffer from the fact that they are run by uncharismatic bureaucrats. In most cases, this is the fault of the kleptocrats who prefer to elevate weak figures, who won't meddle too much.

Israel has fiercely defended its boarding of the Turcoterrorist ship, insisting its commandos were attacked by Gray Wolves with weapons and opened fire in self-defense. Israel is rejecting an international inquiry on the Gaza-bound propaganda flotilla. Gray Wolves is the terrorist arm of the Turkish government. They are named after Asena, a female wolf in mythology associated with Turkic ethnic origins. The organization carried out many thousands of murders, especially in Cyprus. Gray Wolves have been responsible for numerous political assassinations and disappearances of human rights activists, and have ties with the Turkish mafia. Gray Wolf Mehmet Ali Agca attempted to kill Pope John Paul II in 1981.

Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan is fuming like hell and demands revenge. Erdogan was imprisoned in 1998 after famously reading in public a poem, much beloved of militant Muslims, containing the following passage: The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.

Since coming to power, Erdogan has greatly improved his country's relations with Syria and picked a loud quarrel with Israeli President Shimon Peres, disrupting what had been a rather close alliance between the Jewish state and Turkey. He has also been developing a new friendship with the Iranian regime next door, just as the rigged re-election of President Ahmadinejad has disgusted all who had hoped for freedom in that Islamic Republic.

Venitis asserts that Israel is a bastion of freedom and Graecoroman culture, an economic miracle, and a leader in science and technology. Israel is the only free country in a region dominated by Arab monarchies, theocracies and dictatorships. It is only the citizens of Israel, Arabs and Jews alike, who enjoy the right to express their views, to criticize their government, to form political parties, to publish private newspapers, to hold free elections.

When Islamists deny the most basic freedoms to their own people, it is obscene for them to start claiming that Israel is violating the Palestinians' rights. All Muslims who are genuinely concerned with human rights should, as their very first action, seek to oust their own despotic rulers and adopt the type of free society that characterizes Israel.

Land-for-peace is a repugnant formula for Israel's self-immolation. The right of a civilized nation to self-defense against its barbarous enemies is a moral absolute. It should not be surrendered in a vain attempt to appease the initiators of war. It is a moral perversion to demand that Israel give back the very land it captured in the process of defending itself against wars launched by the Arab aggressors.

A criminal has no right to protest the justice of having his guns confiscated by the police, and particularly not a criminal who continues to underwrite acts of crime. And the worst of the land-for-peace policy is that it caused Israel to give the Palestinians their own domain, with the job of protecting against terrorism entrusted terrorists.

When Israel ended its occupation of Gaza, it did not impose a blockade. Indeed it left behind agricultural facilities in the hope that the newly liberated Gaza Strip would become a peaceful and productive area. Instead Hamas seized control over Gaza and engaged in acts of warfare against Israel. These acts of warfare featured 10,000 rockets directed at Israeli civilians. This was not only an act of warfare, it was a war crime. Israel responded to the rockets by declaring a blockade, the purpose of which was to assure that no rockets, or other material that could be used for making war against Israeli civilians, was permitted into Gaza. Israel allowed humanitarian aid through its checkpoints. Egypt as well participated in the blockade. There was never a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, merely a shortage of certain goods that would end if the rocket attacks ended.

In the aftermath of the recent gun battle aboard a Turkish aid ship heading for Gaza, international leaders have been queuing up to attack Israel. From Ankara to Brussels, the condemnation of the only longstanding democracy in the Middle East has been swift and unequivocal. The United Nations, the European Union, and the Arab League have all engaged in a frenzy of denunciation, even before all the facts have been established. Israel continues to be the U.N.'s favorite whipping boy: In the past four years, 33 of the 40 resolutions passed by the U.N. Human Rights Council(HRC) have condemned Israel.

If there is no doubt that the offending ships have made a firm determination to break the blockade, then the blockade may be enforced before the offending ships cross the line into domestic waters. Israel faces hypocrisy and a biased rush to judgment.

Israel is on the front line of the war against terrorist Islam and fights every day for its existence amidst a sea of hostility. The Israelis are engaged in a long-term war against vicious enemies and are a vital component of a global war the free world is waging against Islam. The defeat of Islam is in the fundamental interest of the West. USA and Fourth Reich(EU) must oppose any attempt by the Universal Nudnik(UN) to undermine Israel's sovereignty and its right to defend itself.

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